Elevate Your Impact Now: 7 transformative practices to reconnect to your work

5 Steps To Improve Company Culture, Starting Today

Employees are seeking more meaningful workplace experiences, setting a high bar for leaders when it comes to recruiting and retaining your most talented employee.

In a recent Glassdoor survey, 58% of employees and job seekers say company culture is more important than salary when it comes to job satisfaction.

To meet the expectations of today’s workforce, many leaders are considering ways they can improve their company culture. 

Driving cultural shifts is a significant undertaking that calls for a true commitment to positively impact the lives of your employees. With these “5 Steps To Improve Company Culture,” you can begin the process of leveling up your culture as soon as today. 

Before you initiate culture change, it’s important to assess your company culture in a measurable way.

Take a step back and observe your company culture. How would you describe the current morale of your people? What is the everyday workplace experience like? What high-level themes do you notice?  You can utilize tools like engagement surveys and attitudinal assessments to take a snapshot of the attitudes of your people. 

At Higher Playbook, we partner with organizations to initiate their culture change, starting with the ELI assessment.  It’s an attitudinal measurement tool that takes a pulse of your people’s potential and provides direct insight into the cultural well-being of your company. From there, you can decide on the culture initiatives that make the most sense for the current state of your company.

Designing a vision of a company culture activates your creativity, helping you to clarify the types of initiatives you wish to drive forward in your business roadmap.

Your company can become a “best place to work,” and it begins with your vision. From what the employee journey looks like to the overall workplace experience, cultures are created in the small interactions that occur amongst people on a daily basis. 

When envisioning your company culture, direct your attention to personal details. Get specific about what you wish to see throughout the employee lifecycle, mapping out the employee’s emotions over the course of their tenure. 

Whether you decide to invest in workshops, programs, or special projects, these decisions will be contingent on the aspirational culture that you envision for your company!

Prioritizing time and space for relationship-building is at the heart of improving culture.

Culture shifts happen in the shared spaces that people have to express themselves, experience each other, and connect to the company mission in meaningful ways.

Consider one calendar month and where you can incorporate time and space for interaction and relationship-building. You can begin by simply marking the calendar and coming up with creative names for the meetings. Inviting your team to show up and share on a consistent basis can get people accustomed to the calendar cadence.

One of the quickest ways to improve company culture is to show people you value them. 

Your people are your best asset. They are the creators of culture within the walls of the workplace, and your brand ambassadors to the outside world. By supporting people’s personal growth and showing you value them, you’re setting the stage for a people-first culture where employees have vested loyalty.

With the allocated time and space for “People & Culture” development, you’ll want to build programs that provide opportunities for personal growth. When you invest in your people on a personal level, you deepen organizational trust and model through your actions that you genuinely care about their long-term career success. 

Progressive companies are focusing their resources toward Special Projects, ways of harnessing the collective energy of your company to do good in the world.

We all feel a desire to contribute to something greater than ourselves, and this human need is essential to self-actualization. When employers can enable their employees to experience contribution within and beyond the walls of the workplaces, they are fostering a sense of fulfillment. 

Higher Playbook’s Special Projects are designed to unlock the human potential of your business and direct their energy toward creating a social impact in the world. This socially innovative approach to engaging employees rallies your people behind a shared mission, puts their talents to use, and allows them to experience their impact in action.  

Get Started Today

Improving company culture begins with the intention to dedicate your attention to people and culture. In implementing these 5 steps, you’ll see the ripple effects through your company and feel proud of your company’s impact, from the inside out. It’s a win-win-win for business, for team members, and for society at large. 

Ready to initiate culture change? This free e-book “5 Practices to Transform Your Culture” is here to support your culture transformation and inspire your people to new levels of impact. 


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Elevate Your Impact NOW: 7 Transformative Practices to Reconnect to Your Work

Elevate Your Impact NOW: 7 Transformative Practices to Reconnect to Your Work

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